


咨询中心 staff act as a resource to the Skidmore community around concerns for the emotional well-being and safety of others. Skidmore students, faculty, staff, and family members are encouraged to contact the 咨询中心 to discuss any such concerns and to plan a strategy for intervention. While third-party consultations are not confidential, they are handled with the maximum degree of discretion possible in each individual situation. Please do know that 咨询中心 staff do not directly contact students on the basis of third-party concerns and will refer any such requests for intervention to the appropriate campus resource (most often, 校园安全).


咨询中心 staff are regularly involved in training of the College’s Residential Life staff, peer mentors, and peer health educators. We also assist with parent and new student orientations. Additionally, staff are available to participate in workshops, to help plan and design peer-to-peer presentations, and to facilitate discussions on a variety of topics pertaining to mental health. Programming ideas can be explored by contacting the office and requesting to meet with a staff member.


咨询中心 staff keep current on information about community resources that serve a variety of mental health needs. We can assist students and other members of the Skidmore community to make a connection with appropriate self-help groups, community agencies, and/or private practitioners in the area. To the greatest extent possible, we attempt to provide referrals that take into account the individual’s clinical needs, insurance coverage, and transportation availability. In some instances, a student’s needs may best be met by a provider at home, due to the limited nature of certain referral options in our area (e.g., psychiatric providers). 推荐磋商 can occur in person or, if more convenient, requests can be made by contacting the office and asking to receive recommendations by email.


火博体育大学 is committed to promoting a campus environment where sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and exploitation are not tolerated, and where every member of the community is expected to do their part to prevent and 解决暴力. The College is also committed to providing survivors and all community members affected by sexual and relationship violence support and avenues of redress 适当的. Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are violations of 火博体育大学 policy and are crimes as defined by the state of New 纽约.  You can learn more on the Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct website. The 咨询中心, and 卫生服务, are both confidential resources offering support for students who have been affected by sexual or gender-based misconduct situations, and are able to provide guidance regarding other campus resources and reporting options.