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Student Learning Goals

Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.

The creative process of designing and making art is central to the art major.  艺术 making engages critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and evaluation through sustained hands-on experience with materials, tools, and processes. Through art courses, students gain competency in visual language, an essential skill in contemporary life. Visual and verbal analysis, synthesized through studio 实践, contributes to effective engagement in a range of life pursuits. The student who successfully completes the 艺术类专业:

I. Gain knowledge in the 实践 of art, including:

    • The visual language of art and design. (Ia)
    • Fundamental studio 实践: materials, techniques, processes, and theory. IIb (Ia)
    • A breadth of global and historical knowledge about art objects, creators, and diverse social/cultural perspectives. (Ib Ia)
    • A depth of knowledge in an area of concentration. 国际教育协会(Ic)

II. Demonstrate skills and reasoning processes.

    • Create original works of art and design utilizing traditional and contemporary technologies. (活动花絮,IIb,国际教育协会)
    • Organize, analyze, and interpret visual phenomena using problem solving skills. (活动花絮, IIb)
    • Create a body of work that integrates critical thinking with technical proficiency in process-oriented learning. (Ic, IIa, IIb, IIe)
    • Interrogate concepts from their position in a socially diverse culture. (Ib、活动花絮, IIb, IIc, IId, 3b, IVb)
    • Communicate effectively in critiques, discussions, and writing; respectfully responding to different perspectives and views. (Ib, Ic, IIc, IId, 3c, IVb)
    • Evaluate their individual art making and that of their peers through critical reasoning about the use of materials, formal elements and content. (活动花絮, IIb, IIc)

3. Integration and application of learning

    • Recognize how the visual language of art and design, materials, and processes, contribute meaning to the world. (Ia, Ib, Ic, IVa)
    • Develop the capacity to synthesize knowledge from other academic fields into studio 实践. (Ic, IIa, IIb, IVa, IVd)
    • Engage in substantive self-directed artistic activity. (Ic, IIa, IIe, IVa, IVd)
    • Bring a developed artistic sensibility to thoughtful 实践 in a range of life pursuits. (IVa, IVc, IVd)
    • Contribute to the cultural, intellectual, and educational life of the community. (3c 3d,印度河流域文明)