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Skidmore College



John J.P. Howley '80

Location: Residences in New Jersey, Florida, and the Philippines. Primary office is 虽然我经常在我的律师事务所在香港的其他办公室工作 Kong, Shanghai, London, Frankfurt, Washington, D.C., West Palm Beach, Chicago and Los Angeles. Further Education: One semester of an M.A. program at Columbia University (decided graduate school was not for me) followed by a J.D. degree from New York Law School. 职业头衔:Kaye Scholer LLP合伙人(国际律师事务所) 500 lawyers). Career Description: International dispute resolution. I represent clients, 大多是大公司,在通过诉讼解决复杂纠纷时, arbitration and negotiation. Recent cases have included product distribution agreements 在科威特和黎巴嫩,委内瑞拉炼油厂爆炸的保险, 在菲律宾回收大型喷气式飞机,在欧盟获得专利许可. 历史学位如何仍然相关:我希望学习历史(继续), 直到今天,激情使我成为一个更有趣的人,也许是更好的人 able to communicate and make connections with U.S. and foreign clients, adversaries, judges and arbitrators. Particularly with those from another culture, a common knowledge 历史帮助我们理解,今天的争端往往是争端的变化 这种情况以前就出现过,我们的案例中发生的很多事情都受到 the context of history, economics, religion, politics and other factors. I recently 与一家生物技术公司的总裁一起处理专利侵权纠纷. He has B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry and biology, plus an M.B.A. from MIT. Over lunch, however, we discussed relations between Japan and China since 1930. 他在印度出生和长大,目前正在阅读所有火博体育中日的文章 以了解中国及其与美国的关系 其他国家——尤其是以前的对手——现在正试图拥有 better relations with India. "What can I do with a history degree?" : I hate that question. You can do anything with a history degree. Most of the successful lawyers, 我认识的政治领袖和商业领袖都有文科学位——英语, Chemistry, History, Biology, Political Science, Music (more lawyers are musicians than you would ever guess), Philosophy, Economics and Physics. (OK, there is one exception. One friend, a former President of the Philippines, has an engineering degree. But he also studied Military History at West Point). The key to their success is not particular 在本科阶段获得的商业或实践技能,而是一种好奇心,一种理解 of perspective, and a lifelong desire to learn more about the world we live in.

Margaret Simpson Barlow '81

Yes I was a history major - unfortunately I am not teaching the subject, nor am I in the field! Rather, I am in publishing sales. However, throughout my career in sales, recruiting and counseling, I do a lot of research on companies, industries, etc. My research skills I attribute mainly to my history degree, for which I had to write a lot of papers. I continue to gravitate toward literature of a historic nature and watch the history channel. I also worked as a sales rep for "American Heritage" for 5 years.

Chuck Kaufman '82

Newton, MA
MBA, Babson College, Dec. 1986
Kaufman Group(一家专门从事金融服务和技术的公关公司)总裁. My history degree comes into play in my work and life every day. My Skidmore experience 一般来说,历史教育特别有助于塑造我看待问题的方式 or issue critically from different perspectives. It's a skill I'm attempting to teach my three children. They're beginning to understand that examining something from different 天使经常能发现的不仅仅是一个“正确”的答案,而是几个正确的答案. 此外,我在火博体育大学主修历史的四年帮助我磨练了写作和口头表达能力 communications skills. Professors like Tad Kuroda and Pat Lee expected more than yes or no answers. They challenged us to push ourselves and the "certainties" of our lives and studies. I learned a valuable lesson from that: It's ok to try new things and to communicate different thoughts and conclusions. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. More often than we think, the true value is in the trying.

Robert Chwasky '84

I live in Wilmington, MA; after Skidmore graduated from Cardozo Law School in '93; presently Agent for New York Life Insurance Company in Waltham, MA. History doesn't really come into place in work, but I like Skidmore

Catey Heller Terry, '84

Columbia, MO
Finishing up Masters Degree in Journalism from the Missouri School of Journalism. 发展总监-主要是主要的捐赠工作和管理在一个 capital campaign. It's hard to say exactly how I use my history degree daily. I'd say it's more like I use my college degree daily, being a relatively intelligent, inquisitive person. No disrespect to the degree meant, it's just that I probably use 我的写作、研究和分析思维能力比任何具体的事实都重要 that I learned in history classes, although I do remember a lot. I also found the class work part of graduate school to be relatively easy (at a place that is tops in its field and that I feel passionately about, as I do about Skidmore). I attribute that to the way Skidmore taught me to work hard and be prepared.

Jed Garfield '85

纽约(曼哈顿),哥伦比亚大学国际事务硕士 '91. Not sure how the degree helps but it certainly makes me a well rounded individual.

Tim Smith '85

我住在伍德伯里,我经常被问到“你打算怎么做? 一个历史专业的问题,作为一个本科生,和我的第一反应和就业 was teaching. I graduated from Skidmore and the following fall took a position as a history teacher at a small boarding school in Massachusetts. While I loved the teaching 我不喜欢寄宿学校老师的生活(尤其是在22岁的时候) as it is rather limiting. With the pursuit of teaching in mind I went back to school 获得MAT(教学艺术硕士学位),这是一个很好的说法,我接受了教育 courses to get my teaching certificate. The most ironic thing about the whole ordeal 是说一旦我拿到了所有的证书,我就再也找不到老师了吗 job. I substitute taught for several years but could not find any steady work. While 我一直在追求我的目标,我通过各种不同的工作谋生,这是 though one of these that I found my current line of work. Over ten years ago I started working for Whole Foods Market part time nights so that I could substitute during the day. It was there that I came across the world of specialty cheese which has become one of my life's passions. From a part-time store clerk I have moved around in the cheese business to where I am currently the Director of Specialty Cheese for Anco Fine Cheese one of the country's leading importers and distributors. The bulk of my responsibilities focus on sales and marketing to the gourmet trade on the Eastern Seaboard, with some product procurement. In my line of work I often use my history skills, believe it or not. Gourmet food retailers tend to be very food knowledgeable and they want as much information about any given product at they can find. In the 奶酪的案例可以引发对中世纪的讨论(有一个完整的 一系列被称为修道院奶酪的奶酪,因为它们是由修道院命令开发的); World Wars I & II and its effects on agriculture in Europe and industrial modernization; 或现代经济政策,因为它涉及到进口关税和关贸总协定(例如 山羊奶酪的配额从未建立,因为它不被认为是对美国的威胁 producers at the time, cow's milk cheeses were and are included). While I may be the 作为一个历史专业的极端案例,我确实觉得历史学位可以为学生提供 with is the following: The ability to research a topic and to find sources for an answer. I am continually amazed at how many people in the business world have no idea of how to find anything other than the keys to their car. History teaches one to dig for an answer. This is crucial in all aspects of life including business. To express a thought clearly. As a History major you have to sift though data and sources and draw a conclusion and express it clearly. This is essential in business, especially in sales. Sales is actually tailor made for a History major as you are required to 给人们一个大致的画面,同时也期望有知识 of the specific details when necessary. The ability to look at the connections of any given thing. A good History student will see things as interconnected rather than 一系列孤立的事件,这是商业中需要的另一项关键技能 or any other endeavor.

Lukas Horn '86

I was a Special Agent w/ U.S. Dept. Justice DEA. I was with DEA 8 YEARS. I could have also gone with the FBI. Now I am a Director at Greylock. I think students should know that History is a great major. Tell them that anyspecialized field will require a grad degree in that field. ( Mine was a M.A. in forensic phyc.)

Jody Rose Platt '86

I currently live in Washington, DC.  I have a doctorate in international relations.  I work at the U.S. Department of State as the Senior Program Officer on the Political Security Team. I work with our embassies overseas and various offices here to develop programs to help support our public diplomacy goals.  We work with American scholars, 外交官,以及私营部门和公共部门的人们来帮助我们 embassies explain various aspects of U.S. foreign  policy and to hear what foreign audience are thinking - to exchange in a dialogue. My degree is helpful in a couple of ways.  First, having an understanding of history is important when dealing with public diplomacy.  Knowing and understanding the past goes a long way to help in dealing with the present and the future.  It also shows a willingness to learn about others which is a positive.  Secondly, studying history has taught me skills including looking at things from more than one point of view.  This will be helpful in any job, but is particularly useful in my current position. 

Karen Fritz '87

火博体育后教育:-美国历史硕士学位-大学 of Virginia (1988). Ph.D. in history - Louisiana State University (1995). Career title: Associate Professor of History, The Victoria College, Victoria, Texas. History degree 在生活中:作为一名本科生,我已经知道我想成为一名教授,所以我从来没有 really considered what a B.A. or M.A. degree in history could do for me outside of the teaching field. Over the years, however, I found both quite useful in winning other types of employment. My degrees enabled me to become a tour guide at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello in 1989. I ended up working in that house for a year. While I was finishing my doctorate, my degrees also helped me land consultant jobs with 在路易斯安那州的一家考古公司工作,成为路易斯安那州成人教育的老师 program, and obtain speaking engagements. Now, having advanced degrees opens doors in publishing.

Gretchen Mullins Kim '88

Graduation May 1988, location Westchester County, additional education, J.D. Vanderbilt University May 1992. Career, Attorney - my own law practice, specializing in matrimonial and family law. My history degree helps me everyday because I learned how to think critically in my history classes. Because of the small class sizes and the intense 在课堂上的参与,我也接受了良好的教育,如何写好和 to communicate clearly and effectively my thoughts. (Professor Brynteson was the first person to point out to me how often I relied upon passive voice in my writing. He also told me - you should be a lawyer because they use the passive voice like you! (Well, I guess I got my first indication of my future career when I was a history major!)

Peter Meyerson '88

I was a history and philosophy major with a concentration in psychology (really a 3rd major). After Skidmore I got an M.S. in social studies secondary education from the University of Pennsylvania (in August of 1990). Following that I went on to get a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin Madison (in May of 1997). From 1997-2000 I did a post doc at the Learning Technology Center at Vanderbilt University. Currently I am working for the 4th year as an assistant professor in the Educational Foundations Department at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I currently teach Educational Psychology courses to future k-12 teachers. My current research 兴趣集中在脚手架学生身份发展和批判的话题上 literacy skills in the context of the k-12 history/social studies classroom.

Class of 1989

Live in New York, Equity Trader Managing Director. No further education. A history degree provides you with a depth of knowledge. Sometimes knowing a little about a lot of things is more beneficial than knowing a lot about a few.

Matthew G. Berger '89

Double major, History & Govt, further education, M.A. U.S. History, Rutgers University, 1991 J.D. Northeastern University School of Law, 1995. I am a lawyer working in my hometown of New London CT and living in Pawcatuck CT. I am a sole practitioner/solo/self-employed, 我在那里有一个全科医生,专门从事商业诉讼,土地 use and criminal defense. From 1998-2001 I was on the Board of Directors of the New London County Historical Society. I am currently finishing an article on CT's first 女律师玛丽·霍尔(她于1882年获准执业)和我学到的技能 在火博体育的时候,尤其是在黑田、基弗和布林森教授的课上 和戈登(他是客座教授)都派上了用场,因为我去过很多地方 archives and libraries to research the paper. In addition, a history major is excellent training for a lawyer, as so much of the practice involves researching either old cases, old records or old deeds/land records. In addition I continue to enjoy reading history in my spare time. I am also on the Board of the New London County Bar Association 斯托宁顿镇学校建筑委员会和斯托宁顿内陆镇 Wetlands Committee, and am married (not sure how any of these relate to history). The research skills, and the appreciation and understanding of the past that come from a history major have proved invaluable in my career.

Eric Rath '89

1989年,我从火博体育学院毕业,然后进入大学历史系学习 of Michigan where I received an MA and Ph.D in Premodern Japanese History. After spending 在哈佛大学赖肖尔研究所做了一年的博士后, I received a tenure track appointment in the History Department at the University of Kansas. This is my fifth year at the University of Kansas where I am currently serving as the Director of Graduate Studies for the History Department. My book The 《火博体育》将由哈佛大学出版 Asia Center Press in 2004. Other publications and information is available at: I guess you can say that I am using my history degree....By the way, if anyone is 我对攻读历史研究生学位很感兴趣,我很高兴与他们交谈.